Valentina spent her last days in front of the mirrors and in the bubbles.
As always, I put a human trait to this most remarkable, lovable, special, smart, humble, entertaining, creature...Creatures who have been my companion for over a decade. Creatures who soothed me through open heart surgery. A surgery that I did so poorly with, I was given last rites. A surgery that left me so debilitated, I was unrecognizable to myself! That, was followed by a breast cancer diagnosis treated aggressively with chemotherapy and radiation. Then came the MRSA and a surgical IV cut down for 9 weeks of vancomyacin and an oral med. As brutal as this treatment was, it is the CDC protocol for the cure of this most deadly staff infection.
Getting Hepatitis C put me on another chemo.
Through it all, the set backs and the ravages of illness, my docile, soothing, faithful, beloved seahorses kept me going.
A reason to get up in the morning, they excitedly greeted me. They accepted me unconditionally despite my ugliness!
Possibly Valentina's pain was soothed by the bubbles.
She is my last and final seahorse in this portion of my journey of life.
My medical, mental and spiritually challenges have changed me. I go forward a little fractured, and with the deepest understanding and empathy for the human condition.
Much of what I gained is directly a result of the seahorses who came into my life and enriched it beyond what any one's imagination could possibly render!
Life and God have blessed me with these wonderful creatures!
One day, maybe someone will read my blog, and decide to take on the task of having seahorses as wonderful companions. What they will reap, opposed to the arduous task of cering for them is a thousand fold!
Thank you all!
Ending and signing off here!
Josephine Goldman
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