Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day's End in the Life of a Seahorse....

~~~"My Yittle Babies"..."My Beauties"..."My Life Savers"...
"My Sweet~tea Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweets"...My Kids~~~

These are just of the few endearing names that I call my Seahorses~~~
Gifts in my life!

They start to get ready for bed about 8 p.m.
Stretching and yawning and seeking out their usual bed sites and nudging each other playfully
are all part of their evening ritual..
Encouraging each of my babies to allow me to tuck them in, is no guarantee that they will stay put.
Seahorses are strong willed.
They know their likes and dislikes.
Eventually these angels find their usual beds.
The prehensile tail hitches onto a coral branch, a filter pipe, an air tube, a thermometer...
And cutest of all, they cuddle with each other!

Tommorow I want to learn how to put pictres into this blog...
that no one has seen...
that has no way to be accessed....

But I will continue to educate myself about getting all the fascinations about Seahorses out there!

Hello, hello!
Can you hear me?
How can we make "contact and share"?
Is there any intelligent life out there?
Signing off from cyberspace...

Gracious siloettes of my beloved Seahorses right
before sleep sets in....

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