Friday, April 19, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the Tank...Helps Valentina

Following the death of my beloved Hoover, my heart was broken for Valentina, who was alone in the tank.

By placing mirrors in different spots in the tank, Valentina saw her reflection.

Was she, in fact comforted by this?
Did she feel less alone in the tank?

It seemed that Valentina sought out the spots that had mirrors.
When she ate, hung out, rested or slept, it was in front of a mirror.

All this hopefully comforted Valentina.
It also comforted me somewhat...

Valentina was never the outgoing, gregarious seahorse that Hoovie was, so her ongoing isolating nature did not concern me. It did not seem as though she was overly depressed.

Still, I have decided to make Valentina my last seahorse...
Thank you!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Heartbreak...Hoover succumbs to illness...

Hoover stopped eating.
There were no  signs that he was not feeling well that day or even the day prior.
My sweet, adorable, loving, humble, kind Hoover went quickly.

I am devastated beyond words.

Valentina comforted Hoover in those last days. She tried to encourage him to eat, stayed close to Hoover. Valentina slept with Hoover,and wrapped her tail around him.
She cuddled with him.

With all the seahorses I have owned, this caring, knowing, empathetic end of life behavior has repeated itself over and over again.

My love for seahorses cannot ever be expressed well enough through words!