My natural helper was not always that way.
When I picked him out and brought him home he was my "skinny bill ink", my "nervous Nelly",
"afraid of his own shadow" and of the brine that was his food.
Once my precious Hoo~vee began to eat, always on the bottom of the tank, he also began to check out the other seahorses in the tank.
He'd get his snout very, very close to the other seahorses and literally sniffed them.
Over the course of the day, Hoover continually checks on the other seahorses. He spent time with both Sweetheart and Valentina gently wrapping his tail over theirs. It was as though Hoover was saying, "I'm here to see how you are, and I care for you."
Thus, Hoover also became "my natural helper..." Astutely aware of the moods , spirit and health of the seahorses. Never putting himself first.
He was pesty too. As he rushed around and around the tank, he'd crash into them, or run them over.
Hoov never took the path of least resistance either!
Even today, Hoover can be seen in the tank racing around the tank. Once he eyeballs me, he resorts to a haphazard
bee-line right to me. He really thinks he can go through anything as if by magic!
Hoov~ee goes at top speed!
So quick that when he goes to stop the momentum just keeps him flying by! He attempts to slow himself down by
using the tip of his tail as a break but to no avail!
I say a quick "Hi Hoover",
and as he sails by me, "Bye Hoover!"
He uses his tail like a pogo stick on the coral bouncing up and down and dancing in his uncoordinated way.
Taught not to be afraid of brine by other seahorses.
They sensed he needed lessons.
Still a bottom feeder.